Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Little ONE


A few things I learned from Sarah this year.....

Babies Poop. They don't always wait until you have a new diaper on and the poop doesn't always stay in the diaper either! So. Much. Poop.

One little smile or coo makes me forget all about the poop.

I hate shots just as much as she does. And even though I am not the bad guy with the needle she will still look at me with eyes that say "why did you just let that happen to me?" Big tears...from both of us.

I can never take too many pictures.

Jimbo is a big softy ans will do just about anything for you.

First are fun. From your first roll when I found you on the other side of the nursery, to the first time you crawled to chase the cat, to your first steps into my arms - I am lucky to have been there for every event!

Even though you do just fine in the big tub, giving you a bath in the sink every now and then will always be my favorite.

I don't mind the lack of sleep when I get to wake up to your chubby cheeks.

I have finally made peace over the fact that 'dad' was your first word.

Just like the Grinch, my heart grew 10 sizes the first time I saw you.

I am one lucky girl to get to be your mama.

Happy 1st Birthday baby Sarah...I love you.



Arvanitas' said...

She looks so grown up. Happy birthday to the cutest 1 year old around. Love and Miss you!

The Arvanitas Gang

p.s. We put a little tribute to Sarah up on our blog.

The Roberts Rollercoaster RIde said...

Awwww...so cute!! Love the hair!! She's starting to look more like you then Jimbo.
Plus she's lucky to have a cool mom like you!!

P.S. Do you have a baby tub? For some reason I don't have mine anymore!

The Church's said...

She is so cute. I cant believe she is 1 and its been that long since we last saw you guys.
Hey we have a blog too check it out. church208.blogspot.com.
we miss you guys
the church's

Marni said...

Wow!!! I love the pics. She is such a ham for the camera. They did a really good job. The dress looks great. The headband looks great, and the big girl looks fabulous. it just gets better from here!!

Anna said...

So fun to celebrate a little with Miss Sarah...she is too cute- even with cake on her bum!

Now for the next little Larsen :).

Janika said...

It is the night before the primary program. I doubt you will get this before, but good luck, my heart is with you.

White Family said...

Love the cheeks. It is amazing how fast they grow!

Coco said...

i can't wait til little sarah and baylee meet! we just got more pics done of baylee girl--sarah's turned out cute as can be! miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! What a doll! She is absolutley georgous. I can't get over that dimple. My son has 2 big dimples that we dote over. What a cutie! Miss ya, Mel

Niki The Weav said...

Those pictures adorable! She is so cute!

Rebecca said...

It's amazing how much Sarah has changed in the last year (well, based on the pictures anyway)! I am looking forward to the whole experience (which I guess includes all the poop, too!). ;)